Longtime South Florida documentary filmmaker & author Frank Eberling shows what one can do on a shoestring budget with a great story. A group of pre-teens make it their mission to protect the nesting grounds of the endangered Loggerhead Turtle. Funny & emotional, without being cloying, this film will appeal to all age groups. Film legend Burt Reynolds puts in a meaningful cameo appearance in this environmentally aware feature-length effort. The cast is comprised for the most part by local kids making their first appearance on screen, but you'd never know it judging by the performances. Eberling's direction is spot on, and the storyline draws you into what is an extremely important issue---the protection of wildlife habitats, the human led destruction of which is the leading cause of species extinction in the natural world. I can't emphasize enough what a marvelous, family-friendly film Turkles is, and I strongly urge anyone with half a conscience to rush out and see it.