Just another bad movie
6 June 2013
This is not at all a good movie. I'm guessing the other reviews come from people involved in the production. I'm also guessing this is a movie from college kids who read two chapters in class and think they understand cinema. Attempts to simulate or reference westerns are phony and "soap- operash". Maybe one or two good shots - but 100 monkeys with a 100 typewriters... and so on...

The movie tries and fails. If it hits something during a few seconds, it changes nothing. I felt like watching a bad soap opera, written by a kid who knows nothing of life - with nothing to say - and filmed by a pretentious advertising professional. Lots of sex scenes to see if teenagers will feel something. Not even these sex scenes are fine - seems like the guy wants to be a seller and an artist at the same time. Naturally, he achieves neither.
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