An interesting idea badly executed
31 January 2014
As I was watching this movie, I couldn't help to think how better it would be if it were a play on a theater. It would not surprise me to learn that it started that way before becoming a movie script, but unlike "Closer" or "Doubt" it just does not translate well into a cinematic language. If it weren't for Anne Alvaro (Louise) this would be worse than what actually is. Dujardin doesn't save it with his charm at all and I think the director is the one to blame since it's not very clear whether it's a comedy or a drama with lighter tones. Don't get me wrong: I love movies that mix genres, but in this project it seems like actors perform as people "acting" instead of playing people under those circumstances that for us, as an audience, could be perceived as funny or tragic. I would blame the director/writer since the scenes where Charles is fighting with no one are the most painful to watch. It's not dreadful but I don't think I would have missed anything by not watching it.
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