In God's Country (2006 TV Movie)
A fearful world
30 March 2014
Poncho1989, you're correct that this is based on a true story, but the person who told this story was not Warren Jeff's wife, but the wife of his chief aide - now also in prison.

This movie shows the the ambivalence of the people living in this sect, told from birth that Polygamy is G-d's will, wanting to live according to that, but also having human needs and desires. I have known many of these women, those who have fled the sect, and love many of them as my sisters. This movie correctly portrays the world of polygamy and its disastrous effect on women and children, who are treated as property. It also turns woman against woman in an attempt to have what limited power they can.

This movie isn't great art. The writing is just okay, but the characters are portrayed well and the plot is based on reality, which is sometimes more frightening than fiction. If you want to understand the world that Warren Jeffs continues to control from his prison cell, watch this movie.
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