Obscure and underrated
19 November 2013
Obscure and underrated Rosemary's Baby style thriller from Italian director, Giulio Petroni. He was better known for spaghetti westerns, made this when he was sixty and had his name taken off the credits. I don't know why but with such a fierce and satanic theme with the added sexuality of Marisa Mell, this was bound to upset someone. Not me, however, I was surprised how enjoyable it all was and if the director doesn't seem to have a clear grip on things there are enough excellent sequences to make up for the odd rough edge. Chris Avram, for instance, seems particularly lost in his ill defined role as husband, serial killer and defender. Marisa Mell, on the other hand, is magnificent, well remembered for her role in Fulci's, One On Top Of The Other, ten years before, she was raped by Helmut Berger in 1977's, The Mad Dog Killer (Beast With A Gun) and here puts in a very fine performance and her submission to the powers of evil as she lays in bed is remarkable.
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