As a 40-something would-be tough guy, I like to think I'm Han Solo stuck in the 21st century so I sure as hell ain't gonna watch a girly show like The Sound of Music. After avoiding this program all these years I finally sat down and watched Carrie Underwood's version on Thursday night after seeing it advertised on my local NBC news. I figured I should make an effort to get in touch with the world of performing arts.
This presentation of The Sound of Music was wonderful. Now, I didn't know the storyline nor the original music, so for me, this was a blessing. Great singing, sets, costumes; just a fantastic production all around. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Carrie Underwood is really pretty, too.
This presentation of The Sound of Music was wonderful. Now, I didn't know the storyline nor the original music, so for me, this was a blessing. Great singing, sets, costumes; just a fantastic production all around. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Carrie Underwood is really pretty, too.