That it has Daffy Duck starring and Fritz Freleng directing are reasons enough to see any of their cartoons, as well as that it's Looney Tunes and animation. But Daffy and Freleng have both been better and deserved better than The Chocolate Chase. In regard to the Daffy and Speedy outings it's marginally better than See Ya Later Gladiator, A Haunting We Will Go and Speedy Ghost to Town but only just. The plus points are with the music, which incorporates some of Bill Lava's main themes but is generally more characterful and energetic and less canned-sounding. Mel Blanc's- who always gave his all into everything he did, equally remarkable is how he voiced many characters in one cartoon and made them different and with an identity of their own- exuberant vocal characterisations. The voice acting for the Mayor was not too good though, with an accent that one minute sounded Mexican, then another American. And that it had a nice idea to work from. The animation here though is unappealing, sparse in detail and flat in colour come to mind and apart from Daffy, apart from a few limp moments, the characters are poorly drawn, especially Speedy and the factory owner. The idea- who doesn't love chocolate- is a good one, but it sadly is one where little is done with it, the story is not much more than a typical Daffy and Speedy chase with not much spark. While it has its heart in the right place, the start does feel rather cloying and overboard with the sentiment. The Chocolate Chase is often predictable and the pacing lacks energy, with the beginning taking too long to set up, Speedy is not even introduced until about a third in. The dialogue doesn't really have any freshness or wit("He is no bunny, but he's funny" is a contender for the lamest line for any WB cartoon) and the visual humour is equally unfunny, drawn out and not very memorable, derivative too much of the gags of the Speedy/Sylvester outings(which are a little better than the ones with Daffy, the chemistry makes sense at least. Speedy manages to be annoying and bland but Daffy is just as disappointing, charismatic still of course but his greediness is a turn-off, he is far more likable when he's manic. The chemistry between them doesn't gel either. In conclusion, unappealing visuals and lazy humour make The Chocolate Chase a lacklustre at best cartoon, saved by the music, the idea for the story and Mel Blanc. 4/10 Bethany Cox