Why are people so negative!!
30 December 2013
Ill start by saying I am 26 and I went with my 25 year old partner to watch this film, I have to review this film solely for the reason that people have been overly harsh with there assessments of this movie.

No animation film bar classic Disney really goes into any great story lines or tries to really pull at your heart strings or tries to go all in to win an Oscar, so for the people giving this a low rating I am genuinely baffled as to why.

These films in recent times try and do the following in my eyes: 1)Show a great imagination to capture an audience. 2)Create characters within the film that will sell merchandise as well as be loved by the people watching. 3)Entertain and show plot twists to keep the viewers engrossed throughout. 4)Be accessible for as many age groups as they can.

This film does all of that and more and is completely enjoyable. It is smart, funny and totally awesome for kids and adults alike.

Films like this aren't ever going to be up there with all time greats! but its films like this that warm your heart and make you smile!.

It is a great film for family, kids or even a date night.

Great film and look forward to number 3.

Enjoy and guarantee you will leave satisfied!!!!
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