Asian School Girls (2014 Video)
And when I saw it was made by The Asylum, I knew it was going to be that type of bad!
2 July 2014
Not that the title Asian School Girls was not a big clue.

This movie falls into so many stereotypes, I'm surprise there wasn't a car chase were they could show off how awful Asians are suppose to be at driving, but I guess that would have put the budget at 20 dollars.

Give it to the house of Mockbusters they showed balls being straight up serious with this one.

It's almost like a Soft-core porn without the simulated sex scenes, completely geared towards anyone with a dragon chick fetish

In all fairness, the movie could have been better if the studio was not so obliviously exploiting Asain girls. It had a great Kill Bill-like revenge plot that focus more on hot chicks looking hot than paying homage to Asian cinema

It does have so bad it's good potential,and there is nudity, but it can leave you feeling shameful that you found pleasure in it.
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