Even though SS is not for my boomer generation, I loved it. This movie is about a new lost generation... not lost through war like Hemingway and Joyce... but through lies and deceit and failed promises. So -- what happens to our children when they do what they're" told"... go to college... get a good degree... play be the rules... then can't find meaningful work? What happens when they know they won't ever be as prosperous as their boomer and post-boomer parents? When the bill of goods they were sold is found to be worthless?
There are so many good lines in the screenplay, I don't know where to begin.
Wilson Bethel is perfectly understated. Sophie Auster is stunning. James Jagger starts slowly, but by the movie's end he has grown into the role.
If you're looking for action - look elsewhere. If you want depth in your movie -- this is it.
There are so many good lines in the screenplay, I don't know where to begin.
Wilson Bethel is perfectly understated. Sophie Auster is stunning. James Jagger starts slowly, but by the movie's end he has grown into the role.
If you're looking for action - look elsewhere. If you want depth in your movie -- this is it.