Review of Adult World

Adult World (2013)
Good Movie with Twist
4 May 2014
I saw Adult World by chance on a movie channel. I like Emma Roberts and her natural character(no loads of make-up, no fancy clothes) got me interested in the movie which itself has a casual vibe. She plays Amy, wanna be poet with questionable talent and no life experience who ends up working at a sex shop- which she thinks is inferior to her talent. But from that shop, a new life is born and that will give her a few lessons.

The story is realistic, so is the ending, something you can't always find in big budget movies. There's also a brutal twist which I really liked. Emma Roberts portrays the enthusiastic, hot tempered Amy so well and all other actors do a good job. I especially liked Armando Riesco's take on Rubia, the cross-dresser Amy makes friends with. If you're looking for love, it's also included nicely. Overall, I had fun.
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