Alpha House (2013–2014)
The West Wing and Veep's love child...
17 June 2014
This is a superb bit of television. Witty, funny, sharp, well acted (especially John Goodman), well produced and directed, everything. It is about four senators in their "house on the hill" away from their wives, for when they are in DC and their political and non-political shenanigans. It's an irreverent look at American politics but I would hazard a guess that it's not too far from the truth albeit with a smattering of hyperbole.

Laugh out loud funny, yet with plenty of truisms and real soul, the Alpha House walks the fine line between adult-style frat house/coming of age and political "walk and talk" fly on the wall and doesn't mince it's words addressing matters of drugs, sex, racism, bigotry, religious intolerance and also putting new social media front and centre; Twitter is HUGE in this show as is Skype-type face-time, showcasing new problems that politicians face and ways they can address their constituents. It intersperses fiction with clips of real clips of Obama and committees on the Hill, and it pokes a bit of fun at far-right Republicans.

Love this show, highly recommend it. Can't believe it's not had enough publicity!
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