Review of Tell

Tell (2014)
Bad Script + Dreadful Acting = Complete Rubbish
27 December 2014
I hate for this to sound cliché, but this is one of the worst action comedies ever made. Whoever wrote this jive should seek another profession. It's not humorous at all! If you must forge ahead, go back to school and learn your craft or, at the very least, take the time to study action comedies that work like "In Bruges," "Hot Fuzz," "Kick-Ass," etc etc. The acting in this was downright foolish. Some of these actors have been in watchable shows before but it looked like they were trying so bloody hard to make whatever they were given work, that it came across like one big giant improvisation gone very wrong. Every character in this is git and not much differentiates one from another. I'm sure some of this has to be attributed to the director who by now, is likely wondering if waiting tables is what the future holds after this lackluster attempt. I rated this 2 stars because they were clever enough to compile a trailer that duped me into renting this. Fool me once, shame on you...
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