So when i first saw Watamote being released in North America i read the thumbnail and looked at the DVD/BD art work and was like hmm this could be interesting or terrible, anyways it went on sale for Black Friday this year and i decided to pick it up and give it a shot. I'm really glad i did, instantly it was very funny gave me a few honest good laughs just in the first episode. Watamote is about a awkward 15 year old girl that doesn't really know how to fit in, and i think theirs a part of everyone that can relate to some part of her, maybe not to her extent but at least a little bit and i think thats what makes it so much of a better anime. Cause even if its only a little bit i think 4/5 people will be able to relate on some level with some of her troubles and problems and thats what makes it good, cause its real! These things really happen to some people and there really are people that are really close to her level of socially awkwardness, i've met a few when i was in school. Maybe that makes me a little bias cause i've really seen people with these problems/weirdness. After finishing the series i recommended it to a friend and he watched some of it later that night and texted me saying how funny it was and how relate-able some aspects were from when we were back in middle school and that made him like it even more. The story line is pretty good for what its suppose to be about i really don't know what could of been added to make it better, i found it very enjoyable. The main characters voice was a little annoying at times but i think it did a very good job at portraying her awkwardness so i don't think it could of been better, Its a pretty hard thing to make your voice sound weird in general imo. The character design was very good imo, i loved the main character and her friend and the background characters were all appealing as well. The music was awesome especially the opening! The main opening is one of my favorites of any show, the animation in it is amazing as well.
4/5 Why not 5/5? It was good, it didn't blow me away but i found it very enjoyable, funny, and relatable in some ways. Definitely something i think everyone can enjoy and get some good laughs out of, i'd say 10/12 episodes made me laugh and about 2 were just like yeah OK. Also their is an OVA episode that i've yet to watch but plan to so technically theirs 13 episodes with 12 being English at the time of writing this. I'd love to see a season two, i'd definitely pick it up if it were to be released! Give it a shot you won't regret it!
4/5 Why not 5/5? It was good, it didn't blow me away but i found it very enjoyable, funny, and relatable in some ways. Definitely something i think everyone can enjoy and get some good laughs out of, i'd say 10/12 episodes made me laugh and about 2 were just like yeah OK. Also their is an OVA episode that i've yet to watch but plan to so technically theirs 13 episodes with 12 being English at the time of writing this. I'd love to see a season two, i'd definitely pick it up if it were to be released! Give it a shot you won't regret it!