It should be named "Screaming, whispering, and police chest cams"
25 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I LOVE found footage horror films. Especially independent ones, because without a big-budget production company calling the shots, it forces and encourages creativity from the film.

This, however was not an example of that kind of creativity. The movie started off good - most of the time when I watch a found footage film, if I can get through the first few minutes without losing interest, it's usually good.

But dear lord, this movie was far from good. Throughout the film we seem the same thing repeated over and over and over and over again. Every night the daughter is having a seizure-esque screaming fit in her sleep. Her parents rush to her aid while her brother just sits there recording with a camera. . .and what was she screaming about you ask? When the parents ask her the very same question, she always responds "It was really scary, and dark, so much blood". . .Seriously?

And that's just one example of how this movie comes up short. All-in-all, I must say that there was barely any plot, aside from "Typical white family movies into haunted house".

I guess the acting was okay. (Most of the time). Only reason I give it 4 stars instead of two is because the beginning was good.
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