Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal (2011–2014)
Could Have Been Better And Could Have Been Worse
25 February 2015
At this point in Yu-Gi-Oh history we should just accept the fact that they keep making these shows not out of love but out of wanting to sell more trading cards. That's what it was from the beginning and it's still continuing. Which is one of the TV shows biggest down falls. People not caring enough about the show and more about the product they sell. The main character Yuma Tsukumo is pretty annoying and even worse than Jaden Yuki from GX. At least Jaden could duel but Yuma needs help from an amnesic alien named Astral who should have replaced Yuma. The other characters are okay some are better than others like the two rivals. The animation is very nice to look at so that makes it easy on the eyes. I do enjoy the duels more in Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal. They don't feel like an eternity like the previous versions and honestly the story does flow alright with a few plot holes. So yeah it's basically what Yu-Gi-Oh GX should have been. I still believe that this is better than GX because of how entertaining it is but it does undergo from stereotypical characters, not the best (or worst) voice actors, annoying edits that anyone could clearly see and what irritates me more is how some of the duels were simply misunderstandings. However I still find it more engaging with the animation, some memorable characters, pleasant duels and charming story. Overall it's not bad but I feel as if it could have had more effort into it. So Yu-Gi-Oh classic fans please stop saying how bad this is. It has flaws but so did the other shows. So basically my summary is my conclusion: Could Have Been Better And Could Have Been Worse.
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