flawed but nevertheless interesting...
5 March 2015
Not every film needs to have multi-millions of dollars wasted on it. Nor does it need to have the most noted multimillionaire directors and/or technicians.) Reviews have hit this title with the overkill of a sledgehammer. The story was supposedly based on true events, so lower-budget style and lack of slick polish just made it all the more credible and realistic. The so-called "missing" parts didn't bother me as most of them were understood without having to have every minute detail visualized. Dohring fans will like his character of Will, which he plays well. His teen-aged girlfriend and buddy were also convincing and winsome. The story had sufficient peril and action to keep a viewer interested. Actually it reminds me a lot of the "B" films of the 40's and 50's which were shot with minimum time and investment, many of which are better than the big budget A films and have worn better with age. That could very well happen with this one in time.
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