A film musical and children
20 October 2014
Seyed Javad Hashemi after several years of acting, directing the first film in the genre of children's speaking at theaters.A film based on a folk tale and add a few other characters such as Sir Mouse and Aunt Beetle.The main theme of the story of the battle between good and evil, which the narrator's story begins to reveal its story.White forehead, the main character is a prisoner of octopus and associates (hag and crone) is.Sir Moses as a successful hero in the white forehead is free and defeat the oppressors. human haji abdullahi Fox so good in the role play. Amin Zendegan also play a role crone well presented.According to the director's first film did respectable.Meanwhile, the film's portrayal is acceptable.In the end, after many notable work in the genre of children's theater production of Iran.
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