How to Frame a Figg is a funny enough Don Knotts comedy
3 December 2014
I remember seeing the beginning of this movie-during the late '80s or early '90s, I can't remember which-on an independent station (well, it was a Fox one, actually) when I lived in Jacksonville, FL. It looked funny enough but for some reason, I didn't bother to watch the whole thing. So now I just did that on Netflix DVD. My verdict: I found most of it pretty hilarious what with Don Knotts' usual persona of a nervous, easily upset, reluctant hero. Among the funny supporting cast: Frank Welker as Knotts' best friend, Elaine Joyce as his sweet girlfriend, Edward Andrews as the corrupt mayor, Joe Flynn as the mayor's associate, Parker Fennelly as the cantankerous boss of the latter two, and Yvonne Craig as Knotts' "secretary". Both Ms. Joyce and Ms. Craig are sexy in their own way here though I have to admit that Ms. Craig is the more alluring one every time she shows up. I had a real good time watching this one! So on that note, I recommend How to Frame a Figg.
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