Review of Home

Home (II) (2015)
The movie is a 6/10 at best. IMDb is infested by phony reviewers.
22 May 2015
This is less of a review of the movie Home than it is a review of what IMDb has become...infested by fake reviews from fake movie makers. But hey, we are talking about the movie industry here...why would anyone involved actually be "real" right? Home is exactly what the less-than- 7 reviews say it is. IMDb still has it's uses but it's rating/review section is virtually useless now.

Some movies entertain both the children and the adults...this one will entertain ONLY the children. The plot is predictable the acting is OK, the animation is excellent, soft and candy-like...etc. But unfortunately, it's not very funny at all. Steve Martin's talent is wasted on the character Captain Smek, Rihanna's character is straight serious and Jim Parsons' voice, while inherently funny, simply isn't enough to pull off the very unfunny jokes. The kids might laugh at the Saturday Morning slapstick but that's about it.

There is simply no way that any of these glowing 10-star reviews can be genuine. It's shameful...I'm not sure how much longer I'll be coming to IMDb.
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