I remember a cinema viewing of this (the most complete version I've seen), then a TV broadcast, then a video, and in more recent years a DVD. All versions were different with scenes cut, & re-edited, plus the music variations: There is a scene with a coroner kissing a corpse before being disturbed, a scene where the hitchhiking man & woman are being tortured – especially the man. Other scenes with Alfred Marks bringing down Michael Gothard, using a weapon in the quarry & worst of all: a shortened scene involving Lee & Price talking. I'm told there are other cuts at the end too - but I can only remember what I have mentioned. Because of this & the fact a lot of these scenes have never been restored (or maybe others out there have the more complete versions), I'm afraid the forthcoming Blu-Ray could be a real letdown; unless it has an extras section. If it hasn't, what would be the point of another edited release? This movie was a big enough mishmash in the first place!