Boy Meets Girl (I) (2014)
A response to the bad reviews
29 June 2015
Someone said this movie is a piece of propaganda, and I'm no film expert, but EVERY movie is some kind of propaganda. This is a low budget indie film, no one makes these movies simply for entertainment, the filmmaker had something to say and they SAID IT!

So A) if you're homophobic or transphobic you WILL NOT like this movie B) if you expect the main characters to be Sandra Bullock and James Franco, you WILL NOT like this movie.

These are young people and for many if not all of them this is their first movie. In the beginning especially the script is rough, the chemistry is questionable, and the plot moves unrealistically fast. BUT about half-way in you can see the characters (and their actors) develop, the chemistry grows between everyone, and the plot is actually very interesting and unexpected.

The academy and people who watch movies for technical things are not going to applaud this film, because to be honest it could have used a lot of work. But the subject is fresh, the content is good, and if you're trying to learn more about the transgender (and LGBQ) community this is a great film that I'm sure you will enjoy!

PS - someone said this movie is trying to suggest everyone is a little gay, it kind of is. We kind of are :)
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