Review of Aplauso

Aplauso (1978–1983)
"Aplauso" (1978)
27 June 2015
Aplauso was a weekly music series on RTVE, run from 9 July 1978 to 1 January 1983 on Saturday evenings in 2 hours long. Many national and international stars appeared on this series, directed by José Luis Uribarri. Episodes included different sections, called as 'Portada', 'Página de fans', 'Banda sonora', 'Poster', 'Contraportada', 'Página infantil' (children page), 'Página de humor'. The series filled big gap and wanted to be an example for everyone especially in the young persons' eye. Also wished to reveal and spread the minority music, its innovators and that commercial music what the selling lists showed. The reformation of the program was demanded of 1981 so more were the living broadcast for the young. Some episodes of the series were repeated on Channel Nostalgia in mid 2000's.
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