In early 2014, it was announced that the second season of this Xiaolin adventure will be produced. But this animated television show appears to be canceled after only 26 episodes of its first season. Was this occurred because Warden, one of characters of this animated television show, bears a resemblance to Professor Shinigami, one of the principal antagonists of the "Dream Hunter Rem" anime franchise, that lasted in Japan from 1985 until 1992? Why this new Xiaolin adventure has only Canadian voice talent residing in Los Angeles in its voice cast? Was this occurred because the voices are recorded in Vancouver? To make things worse, this new Xiaolin adventure also deviates heavily from the original "Xiaolin Showdown" (2003). And why they decided that Eric Bauza should voice all male villains in this animated television show, except for Chase Young, who is voiced by David Kaye? I don't know, but if the voices for this new Xiaolin adventure are really recorded in Vancouver and if Hannibal Roy Bean appears in its second season, I think that Mark Acheson, who is the voice of Lord Tirek in "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" (2010), should be the first and only choice for this voice-over role.