Review of Jordskott

Jordskott (2015–2017)
Police drama merges into occult world --- clever clever stuff!
24 July 2015
Anyone who has walked in Swedish forests get the feeling of the raw power of nature. Wild wolves, Moose (bigger than horses), Bears, but also the sheer dimensions. You can find forests where there is no road for 40km.... deadly, mysterious and beautiful... seas of trees.

In other words, walk though a fores in the brecon beacons or Scotland, and you know you can find your way out. Try that in Sweden and you will probably die. Swedish forests can be scarily big; and mysterious.

I was told about this show by the gf, to keep my Swedish going. I am so glad I started watching this. Starts off as a police drama, but pretty soon, things get strange. You have to pay attention to it.

Clues are littered from the start pointing at the dark under-plot.

Excellent work. och tack att jag kunde ova min svenska!
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