Review of It Follows

It Follows (2014)
Huge disappointment
13 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Never have I expected so much from a movie and received so little in my entire life. Upon reading a couple of reviews, I was stoked to watch this horror movie. As the movie goes on, it did in fact manage to keep me engaged, so I wouldn't necessarily call it a boring movie. But as it goes on, the plot develops very slowly, with some pointless scenes, like the one at the pool. And to top it all off, the most pointless ending I have ever seen, and I've seen quite a few. Maybe it's just because I've expected too much, nevertheless, 2/10 just because it kept me engaged until the end, which was a huge disappointment. My advice to you is - do not watch it at all costs. P.S. No scares at all.
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