A Place to Call Home (2013–2018)
Best TV Show In Years!
15 March 2015
This is one of the best TV series to come out in a long time...we live in the States but tend to watch English shows vs American 90% of the time since the reality show trend is a total waste. I'm a Brit expat and husband is American, we both loved this post WW2 drama. The cast is superb and make this series all the more compelling. The 50s' feel is well done, as is the portrayal of the three generations and how they cope with their different - and unexpected yet similar - experiences. Not to spoil it for those who haven't seen it, the series generally takes us to fresh plots/characterizations in ways other shows haven't. Bravo! We saw series 2 on the BBC and anxiously await its screening on Acorn Media next month. Series 3 is apparently being filmed now to be shown later in the year with a 4th to follow. Looking forward to seeing it -- why can't this type of series be shown here at the same time? Why do US audiences have to wait a few years or worse watch a US-made remake that usually flops? Don't the studios understand that we are not idiots and enjoy watching intelligent shows?
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