Spring (I) (2014)
Better than most and a nice surprise.
20 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was terrific. It has all the elements that make for a memorable movie – likable characters, interesting relationships, interesting locations, a good soundtrack and finally, for me, a big plus, an ending that satisfies. It's a love story with a Sci-fi twist to it but the emphasis is on the romance between Evan and Louise.

Evan, a young man from the USA, is dodging the police (due to his involvement in a minor incident) and decides that it would be a good time to get out of town. Acting on impulsive, he flies to Italy, meets some people, goes on a road trip and winds up in a little town where he meets Louise. Here is where the story really begins.

Boy meets girl. Boy falls for girl and falls hard – love at first sight. You feel bad for him because you know right off the bat that something is not quite right with the enigmatic Louise. There's no way this is going to end well but that doesn't keep you from hoping that it does and hey, you never know. And then things get weirder and weirder. The pace is a bit slow but you never feel bored. Normally I would find extended scenes of two of people talking to be dull, but these aren't – they're really interesting, revealing and intimate. The look of the movie is also very nice. The country side and the quaint town – a vacationers dream locale – and then there's Louise – what is she? Throw in some history, legend, junk science and a bit of philosophy. Loved the ending.

Both Pucci (Evan) and Hilker (Louise) are excellent in their roles – convincing and very likable. Good stuff.
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