Dead Sleep (1990)
Better Than The Critics Say
21 April 2015
I found this movie better than the critics reviews. It's a horror-thriller. Like most movies, you have to watch them for your self to know if you will like it or not. This particular film I liked.

Basically, Dr. Jonthan Heckett is a psychiatrist working with a treatment called "Dead Sleep". Maggie Healey (Linda Blair) is a nurse hired in a psychiatric ward who discovers that Dr. Heckett's treatments are not helpful to the patients - in fact, the treatments are quite harmful. Maggie finds herself pulled into investigating the situation.

The film does have an amount of realism to it... the movie does not give us Dr. Heckett's exact motive but one might guess it's for insurance money - money in his own pocket (along with others that are in on it).

Apathy for the patients is what most of the doctors and nurses have in the film - yet, as I mentioned above, the viewer is left wondering what their exact motive is.

The "realism" is the fact that is it possible that a doctor could do such a thing to people... keep them, make up illnesses just for insurance money in their pockets... that is what makes this movie scary and realistic/plausible.

The ending I did not like - I would have rather seen arrests made but I am assuming that arrests did occur after the film ended.

Good late night film.

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