A jittery yet authentic portrayal of a woman in crisis
17 May 2015
If I lived the life of Anna Thompson, every fiber of my existence would want to escape too! The warped predictability of the relationship with her husband, her family in crisis, job issues, and her own self issue - when an unexpected opportunity to escape was presented to her, with no real consideration of the consequences, she jumped at the chance. Actually she just jumped. Or snapped.

Either way, this movie is competently shot, excellently acted to present a jittery yet authentic portrayal of a woman in crisis, who ends up spending time with a wayward youth.

I cannot understate the extent that Jessalyn Gilsig got inside the character of Anna Thompson. She made compelling, believable viewing.

The film surprisingly dealt with a range of issues which stem from Anna's complex and neurotic self image, in an unassuming way that is further complicated by the context - kind of a bucket list of sometimes almost improper behavior, yet achieving the improper in almost justifiable though somehow milder ways.

Thoroughly enjoyed.
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