While I am and always have been a huge fan of Mother Teresa and all of her incredible works and accomplishments, I was sorely disappointed in THE LETTERS which is nothing more than "b" movie quality and in no way does Mother Teresa justice. It also pales tremendously in comparison to the 2003 film, MOTHER TERESA OF CALCUTTA, Starring Acting Great, Olivia Hussey, which has become loved by so many. Ms. Hussey captures the very essence and spirit of Mother Teresa. It is nothing less than amazing to watch Ms. Hussey's transformation emotionally, physically and spiritually as she moves through the film. MOTHER TERESA OF CALCUTTA is the ONLY film that is endorsed by the Missionaries of Charity and Mother's only living relative Agi Bijaxiou. PBS plays Mother Teresa of Calcutta frequently as the quality and performances in this film are superior and on point throughout. Unsurprisingly, THE LETTERS is another rip-off disappointment which is so typical of this wanna-be producer/director who seems miserably and embarrassingly incapable of delivering period, much less delivering anything unique and of quality. If you have an interest in Mother Teresa and you want to truly experience her essence to the fullest, pick up a copy of Mother Teresa of Calcutta Starring Olivia Hussey.
Review of The Letters
The Letters
(II) (2014)
Pale Comparison To The 2003 Mother Teresa Of Calcutta Starring Olivia Hussey
6 December 2015