Review of Lucky Legs

Lucky Legs (1942)
Watch It for the Legs
8 December 2015
Jinx Falkenberg stars in this silly little programmer as a chorine who inherits a million dollars from a nice old man who hung around the stage door entrance. Naturally, his two spinster sisters (one played by Elizabeth Patterson) and the mobsters he stole the money from want the loot -- they all sound like they aspire to talk like Damon Runyon characters. They all evolve complicated schemes to get it. Charles Barton directs this comedy for speed and a large cast of skilled but largely unremembered players run through the plot in this unremarkable yet watchable Columbia B.

Miss Falkenberg was a well-known personality of the era. She was a top model with a contract with Columbia and a long-running radio show with her husband. With her all-American looks and voice and a South-American provenance, she made a nice back-up to Rita Hayworth. She seems to have had a very satisfactory career for someone who never hit the top. Vehicles like this explain both sides of that dichotomy.
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