Eden is a French film about an up and coming DJ named Paul. Sounds like 'We Are Your Friends' doesn't it? Well, it's unlike any other film like this. It isn't a underdog story or a catastrophic failure type of movie. No, this is a film about what it may cost to follow your dreams. So often these days we are prompted to blindly follow our dreams in life. This film shows what could come of following this passion. This is why 'Eden' is so unique. It seems to effortlessly break the mold of films in this genre. And it does it so easily. It may be to slow and unconventional for some but it's real. We helplessly watch as Paul slips slowly into drugs and debt that seems to come with this profession. There is a lot else that this film does right. For example, cinematography. It's a beautifully shot and stylized film. The clubs that our main character bounces between teem with life and color. While the outside world is dark and dull. This subtly shows how our main character subconsciously feels to the world around him. It's an impressive detail that so many other films disregard showing. Granted, this works better for other films but still. Again, the biggest highlight of this film is in it's story. It is able to show, in a realistic way, what toll "following your heart" may have. Not only that, but it also displays how simple it can be to lose yourself into a lifestyle that you may not even be able to afford. It's an impressively constructed story that offers a timely message. Using the 1990's as a backdrop, 'Eden' is able to create a story that feels prefect for our generation. Like, most films that stray from the beaten path, 'Eden' does have some drawbacks. Most specifically in its characters. It never really digs into what makes these people click. Instead it uses them only to progress the message that it is trying to get across. If the film needs someone to have a break down then someone will. Never does it feel like a natural progression for its characters. Things just happen to them if the film feels like they need to happen. This makes the film come off stiff. This makes the dialogue and performances a bit off. Is it good when you really think about it? Sure. But if you are just watching and listening without any thought of criticism then you'll notice that it isn't quite right. Again, this is because it never takes the time to flesh out its characters. 'Eden' is one of the more intriguing films of the year. It offers compelling insight into just how costly life can be. It's a timeless message that anyone can relate to. This coupled with great direction and beautiful cinematography make for a satisfying experience. Yet, it never quite becomes more than just satisfying. Its lackluster characters and stiff all around feel hold 'Eden' back from greatness.