Wicked City (2015)
Love it so far...there are so many other choices on the tube right now which are total losers. This one is worth the time!
15 December 2015
I do enjoy the pace and the controversial matter. I also love the acting. I understand there were some rewrites and new scenes, which I am guessing had to do with the ridiculous comments from critics saying its sexually gender demoralizing??? what? has anyone seen a "true crime" show concerning serial raper/killing, and the gory scenes suggested in those shows? Yet they get kudos, and the lost in time,father knows best networks cant seem to swallow reality or a slight taste of it? These are the realities of true crime, yet this show tries to keep it lower on the "reality" or "truth telling" crime radar, than some other series? The very topic of rape and serial killing is what this kind of crime is about, power and control. That's just what happens in a rape and serial killing story. I like the truth in it, though it does deviate just enough for me to see it as entertaining cop and serial killer bad guy show, rather than horror show or another one of those gore related to SCSI kind of shows. It's just enough different and new idea that its interesting and the actors are all seasoned and seem to be doing really well in capturing the characters and their roles. I also like the way they really hit on the 1980's vibe. That is well done. Its not a ten, but close enough for me to keep watching. Why is the rating so low here on IMDb?
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