Review of Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart (2015)
This is a thought-provoking movie!
19 December 2015
Go to watch this movie if you like thinking outside the box, if you like exploring different characters, if you are not fully uncomfortable challenging stereotypes. The plot is highly realistic with a good pace from scene to scene throughout the movie. There is a balance between positive and negative aspects of life. The main characters developed by Christoforos Papakaliatis seem to be able to distinguish good from bad but are not always able to follow the pathway of compassion. Understanding an individual of another nation seems to be an extremely difficult task especially if you are not in love with him or her. Apart from the plot, three different ones to be specific, that meet towards the end of the movie; acting was realistic and photography was great. The movie kept you wanting to find more about the characters while politics and how it shapes peoples lives was kept at the background through the movie. This is a great balanced movie!
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