Despite the distinctive title, YELLOW HAIR AND THE FORTRESS OF GOLD turns out to be an absolute dog of a movie, and that's from somebody with a penchant for early '80s fare. This is some kind of shambolic comedy adventure in which a feisty heroine and her sidekick roam around a barren landscape, fighting off warriors and gunslingers in a hunt for mystical treasure.
The plotting's okay, I suppose, but it's the execution where this film really fails: it's treated as a dumb-as-nails comedy, with awful dialogue that sounds like it's been dubbed in, and execrable performances. It says something when the statuesque but wooden Laurene Landon (HUNDRA) gives the best performance in a film otherwise chock full of actors gurning, hamming it up, performing tired slapstick routines, and the like.
The running time is overlong and the exaggerated direction, with its repeated use of slow motion, soon wears on the viewer. If they had taken things seriously then this might have been halfway enjoyable, but the repeated (and repetitive) attempts at dumb humour absolutely sink it. Yeah, I hated it.
The plotting's okay, I suppose, but it's the execution where this film really fails: it's treated as a dumb-as-nails comedy, with awful dialogue that sounds like it's been dubbed in, and execrable performances. It says something when the statuesque but wooden Laurene Landon (HUNDRA) gives the best performance in a film otherwise chock full of actors gurning, hamming it up, performing tired slapstick routines, and the like.
The running time is overlong and the exaggerated direction, with its repeated use of slow motion, soon wears on the viewer. If they had taken things seriously then this might have been halfway enjoyable, but the repeated (and repetitive) attempts at dumb humour absolutely sink it. Yeah, I hated it.