DC Super Hero Girls (2015–2018)
Fantastic Series
3 June 2016
I've never had a problem with the idea of kid centric superhero since most of them are presented in a way that kids can understand and relate to while still having an appeal to everyone, like with DC Superhero Girls. The show centers on various DC Comics characters attending Super Hero High, which is run by Amanda Waller. The show focuses on seven main characters: Wonder Woman (Grey DeLisle Griffin), Super Girl (Anais Fairweather), Bat Girl (Mae Whitman), Bumblebee (Teala Dunn), Harley Quinn (Tara Strong), Poison Ivy (Tara Strong), and Katana (Stephanie Sheh). To end this review on a positive note, I want to get the flaws out of the way.

1. Some of the season 1 shorts (not counting the hero of the month ones) were a bit too short. Thankfully, it's more consistent in season 2, with the shorts regularly being 2.5 minutes long, the hero of the month shorts are 1.5 minutes, and the special ones are 3.5-4 minutes long.

2. Katana is underutilized, even in season 2, but is still likable.

Now for the positives.

1. The humor is quite clever due to its wide appeal.

2. The characters feel like themselves. They're just in comedic situations. Harley and Ivy being heroes doesn't bother me since this show is its own continuity and they still have some things in common with their comic counterparts. Plus, even with Katana underutilized, everyone gets a chance to shine.

3. The core message of the series is about the different ways everyone can be a hero, which is a good message for kids and adults.

4. The show has shown remarkable improvements over the past few months, essentially listening to the critics and trying to fix its mistakes, unlike say Teen Titans Go.

The show is flawed, but still well written. Because of the improvements, I give it a perfect score.
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