A fine time to realize you are bisexual!
25 June 2016
The film begins with a party in which Jacob (Mads Mikkelsen) and his partner, Jorgen (Troels Lyby) announce their engagement. Later, however, Jorgen and Caroline (Charlotte Munck) begin talking...and one thing leads to another and they soon begin kissing! Obviously Jacob isn't totally gay...but it's a very inconvenient time to realize this! Could things get worse? Of course. Soon Jacob realizes he's in love not just with Jorgen but with Caroline...and wonders why he cannot marry them both! Could things get even worse? Yes...and you should see the film to see just how much worse!

While at times this movie looks like a comedy, it really isn't. Instead, it's a weird sort of romance...one that is thought- provoking, though I didn't like the ending very much...you might. It brings up some interesting situations and is worth seeing.

By the way, throughout the film you see the word 'poof' in the captioning. The captions were obviously done by someone who was British or learned British English, as most Americans have probably not heard this slang term for a gay man.
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