Pretty terrible but the non-stop action will see you through
22 March 2016
This is kinda terrible, plus I'm having trouble seeing how it has anything to do with the original 'Behind Enemy Lines' with Owen Wilson. They're not even remotely connected except maybe the tired premise. This is a WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) film and went straight to DVD (which seems appropriate) so that should give you an idea of the quality of plot etc.

Non-stop action though which somehow makes up for the lack of script and bad acting. Tons of bullets whizzing about, explosions galore and a decent hand to hand fight scene towards the end with Joe Manganiello and Alvaro -the main bad guy who actually had a reasonable back story.

This "stars" WWE superstar "Mr Kennedy" although he doesn't get much dialogue and is mostly background as SEAL #2 despite his face on the poster. The story follows him and Joe Manganiello as two of a squad of navy seals attending South American peace talks that explode into violence and murder, leaving the soldiers framed for the bloody events. Somehow they must rescue a hostage and clear their names.

As a weird point of interest Keith David is Commander Scott in this, the guy fighting for their return back in the states -he was good, in the original David Keith played Master Chief Tom O'Malley back on the ship. Things that make you go hmmmm? 2/24/16
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