Victor Scalia (Andrew Stevens) is a sleazy lawyer in L.A. His girlfriend Kathy Miller (Teri Copley) wants a commitment. He gets cat burglar Jed Stewart off. Buckley and Carpatti helps safecracker Tom Dart escape from the Feds. Scalia leads the criminal group to rob a bank vault. A mystery client is paying $20 million for a secret something in one of the deposit boxes. Don Santiago set up the deal. Scalia brings everything but they're only after a microchip.
This is a bad B-movie. It's an attempt at comedy that fails completely. There is a pending reveal that is mildly compelling. The action is weakly made. This is bad but not exceptionally bad. It's a mess. Its biggest sin is the bad comedic writing and even worst comedic acting. When the jokes keep falling flat, it leaves a bad taste.
This is a bad B-movie. It's an attempt at comedy that fails completely. There is a pending reveal that is mildly compelling. The action is weakly made. This is bad but not exceptionally bad. It's a mess. Its biggest sin is the bad comedic writing and even worst comedic acting. When the jokes keep falling flat, it leaves a bad taste.