We wanted to like this film. But we could not. It failed us. The premise is interesting and the acting starts off pretty solid and believable. The characters talk and act in ways that you can believe at the outset and you are drawn in by the mysterious direction of the plot. Then, something happens and the characters just keep plugging away as if nothing is wrong. There are so many outrageous inconsistencies and plot holes that you can't keep up. Without giving away the plot, I will just say that they go from one extreme to the other and the characters do not react as any person ever would. The story continues with more absurdity and tragedy. The characters continue to do mindless and illogical things. At this point, we lose interest in the story and follow along with half interest just to see where it ends. It can be said that there is some very good acting in this film. But the writing and direction drag this into two big thumbs down. Bizarre does not mean good. Sorry.
Review of Into the Forest
Into the Forest
Interesting Concept, Terrible Execution. Someone lost their way.
14 October 2016