Mainly a recovery from injury medical drama
29 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Given that the movie was inspired by a massive best seller, and the cast is fairly watchable, it was rather strange that this movie turned out to be what it was. Makes you wonder if they adapted only part of the book.

A preacher gets injured in a car accident and has a long painful recovery ahead. There isn't much about the afterlife - just a few minutes where he describes seeing relatives in heaven. But it didn't seem to make him deal with his ordeal any better. The main part of the movie seems to be his painful recovery and the awful things they had to do to his leg and arm. Also the financial problems are shown. It's more like a Lifetime drama. Many people criticze Hayden Christensen's acting but I think he was okay here. Wasn't much to go wrong with. Kate Bosworth looks very groomed throughout the ordeal.
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