its simplicity. this is the basic virtue of this admirable touching film. nothing new, at the first sigh. nothing extraordinary. the story of a poor boy and its purpose of life. the great thing is the atmosphere. you touch each scene. to discover, again and again, old memories. about other poor boys, about small communities, about childhood and about dark character with painful past. it could be a fairy tale or reinvent of the origins of a tradition. but it is more - a real simple story who gives the chance to Hannu - Pekka Bjorkmann to give a realistic in magic manner portrait of Santa, to Kari Vaananen to remind pages from Dickens and to be the perfect master and to Laura Bim to shine.and, sure, the role of cinematography, landscapes and smell of the house are important details. it is more than a Christmas film. it is only a simple story about basic values. and this does it successful.