Convincingly delivered with frustration and spite
19 November 2016
Whatever you do it is good to be in the trenches with other people doing the same. In the case of this film it is stand0up comedy, but the same applies in most workplaces. What also applies is when someone you see as an equal or even a lesser performer, gets a break or makes a big jump to success that should have been yours (or you have a hard time specifically that others don't). I am not good at this – often looking to others and feeling hard done by, so it is a feeling I know – and it is one that this film does well. The plot sees one roommate get popular overnight while the other laments that she has done nothing with her five years on the circuit other than sit still.

The film delivers this in a way that avoids being bitter or overly harsh, but keeps it comedic enough so we can link to it and relate. The lead performance in particular makes this work – although she must be reaching back a few years since her IMDb page shows lots of high-profile writing gigs in the last 6-7 years. The material supports her well, and the film looks good while being delivered with a gentle and bittersweet tone which makes it easy to connect to but doesn't lose the emotion of spite and envy.
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