Here We Wait (2016– )
This Series is a Grand Slam!
9 November 2016
HERE WE WAIT - What an apropos name – for a quite a few reasons. The most obvious is the setting, an upscale restaurant with the characters comprising the wait staff. A cool way to start because this gives us a base so that we're allowed to begin to feel how we relate to each of them. Each character has their own nuance based on interactions with each other and reactions to the adverse situation they're placed in at the start of Episode 1. Dig a little deeper and the title connotes the characters not exactly knowing what's going to happen next, each waiting for something to transpire with the other and with "the higher ups" so their individual (and/or collective) agendas are pushed. And of course for the audience where we wait for the plot to further develop, finding out what happens to Siv, Gideon and especially Jake and Kylie as they gain responsibility, insight and power along with the rest of the staff.

The characters richly develop over the first two episodes, we get a good sense of who they are and their allegiances and alliances by the end of episode 2 – or at least we think we do. As noted above, the plot develops very well - while still keeping us in suspense and wondering what's going to happen next. We have a dark character who's not likable but one who we all can relate to and we can say the same for the staff. We think the curtain has been pulled back enough so that we know who they are but we see that we really don't – we're kept just enough off balance to wonder what's going to happen next. .

The net is – Here We Wait is a must see, invest some time in the first two episodes and you won't be disappointed. Can't wait for next Tuesday's installment - Baptista and Chen have hit not only a home run – but a grand slam!
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