I have never seen a show in which 50% is all about black people making fun of whites, and the other 50% is just terrible disgusting penis jokes. This show is the laughing stock of my group of friends, but for all the wrong reasons. This show tries to be funny but just makes you want to grind your teeth together in cringey agony. Don't even get me started on Dave Norton, one of the "comedians" on this "show". He is the king of penis jokes that just come off as disgusting and awkward. If I could describe this show in 5 words, I would say "penis, fat black woman, cringe". This is another attempt by TruTV to capitalize on their hit show (which is currently my favorite show) Impractical Jokers, but shows like this, Almost Genius, and Fameless just come off as uncomfortable and trying too hard to be hip, cool, and they extremely focus on being funny. Damien Lemon is a terrible host, and seems to hate his job, from what I can assume. He is always looking terribly uninterested, and barely ever even lets out a giggle to the people giving their best to make a funny. Expect in the future an episode where they collab with the equally unfunny hosts of Almost Genius. Finally, I have to mention that most of the time they either have some old manchild white guy, or a black woman on the show. Not that I have a problem with either, it's just that they literally take the most unfunny, uninteresting, and cringiest people they can find, and tell em' to make funnies. Kill me please.