Review of Our Wife

Our Wife (1931)
Excellent sustained slapstick
30 August 2016
I am reviewing my L&H knowledge in anticipation of showing these films to others. Just saw this gem tonite.

The year is 1931 and the boys have hit their stride in the sound era. I am surprised at how well the gags are paced and executed. There is one prolonged sequence that could have been timed better, but it is punctuated adequately with a couple of sight gags and we are soon back on track.

I am wondering now whether this film would work with any other comedians at the helm. Ollie's childish gestures of sentiment towards his beloved fiancé are utterly precious. Stan is the perfect dope, ruining everything in his path as they gear up for the wedding.

Silent era film-goers were probably pleased to see Ben Turpin make an appearance near the end. Before I show this film to others, I may have to explain Turpin's role in that era.

Highly recommended. Allow no interruptions.
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