Ridiculous piece of garbage
30 April 2017
I too, as others have mentioned am a fan of Indie Horror and Thriller films. This film might qualify as both Indie and Catagorized as Horror.....But, horror in the sense it IS A HORRIBLE FILM.

I wasted 91 minutes on it so I don't dare waste another minute more writing a long winded review of this film. I do however, feel, it's my duty to warn other fans and would be watchers of this waste of film to "avoid at all costs"

Acting, direction,film quality,lighting, story line and plot are all terrible. All you need to do is watch the first 15 minutes where it's explained to some visitors a particular asylum that houses only the worst of the worst homicidal offenders, which by the way, are all kept in a room with wood doors with a lock on the knob! Nothing more keeping them safe from escape! Yep, watch it to believe it....

Nothing else needs saying. Steer WAY clear of this one folks.
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