Ah! The Old Fake Superman Bit
27 December 2016
In this one, the population believe that Superman has turned into a jewel thief. I suppose it's believable in that the poor guy probably has to live on Clark Kent's salary. But it is not true. Clark needs to get to the bottom of this and it turns out a look-alike guy has been doing the pillaging. Clark/Superman sees him at the opera and confronts him. It turns out there is a guy called the "Boss" (that Bruce Springsteen is everywhere) who is really behind all of this and apparently Superman and everyone else knows exactly where he is. This is more of a police episode and that's refreshing. I recently saw the dreadful movie, "Batman v Superman" so we know the poor guy can really be given a bad rap. Oh! Lois doesn't get captured by the bad guys. That should be on the cover of the Dailly Planet.
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