I really like this show. It's a stylish and fresh take on the "make over show." Khloe is always hilarious and her realness totally comes through. Despite all her glamour she's a very down to earth person and relates really well to the people on the show. I like her even more after watching RB than I did before. One thing that makes this show so interesting is seeing that the people who go through this transformation discover that their desire for revenge fades away as they progress. In the end they are improving their health and physical appearance not for anyone but themselves and the way it makes them feel. By the end the show their self-esteem has improved so much that "the haters" don't hold the sway they once did and the cast members are much happier for it. Taking action and making a change for the better is always a good thing. And the psychological change these people experience makes the show inspiring to watch. I'm hooked!!!